- Explain the importance of Salesforce user records.
- Explain the difference between deactivating and freezing a user record.
- Explain how a user can become locked and unlocked.
- Explain the concept of record ownership.
- Describe the capabilities of queues.
- Describe which objects support queues.
- Explain the difference between user and feature licenses.
- Explain how licensing influences what actions a user can perform.
- Explain the implications of user localization settings.
- Describe the translation capabilities of Salesforce.
- Describe the different methods that can be used to authenticate to Salesforce.
- Describe identity verification, and under what conditions it occurs.
- Describe how to monitor and remove activations.
- Describe the security token, and under what conditions it is required.
- Describe the steps required to login as another user.
- Describe a session, and what settings influence sessions.
- Describe how to monitor and remove sessions.
- User Setup – Module Checkpoint
Explain how a user can become locked and unlocked.
A user will become locked by violating the maximum invalid login attempts setting (defined in password policies).
A user can become unlocked either by an administrator manually unlocking the user or by waiting for the lockout effective period to pass.
For example, James Smith attempts to log in 3 times (which is the maximum invalid login attempts setting) and is then locked out. He can wait 15 minutes (the lockout effective period) and try again, or contact an administrator to unlock his account manually.
Resources for this Objective
“Maximum invalid login attempts: The number of login failures allowed for a user before they become locked out.”