Sign Up

8 thoughts on “Sign Up”

  1. Hello John,

    I also would like to sign up for Study Guide but want to assured that I can fully use your site to prepare for exam ADM201.
    From what I understood you mentioned that only workflow is missing so I assume I need to check from Salesforce to find that related topic then all rest is in and is sufficient to prepare the exam. Could you please confirm?
    Thanks and Regards

  2. I just started using the site, and really enjoy it! I am most likely upgrading to the paid version, but wanted to know if this includes more questions on the quizzes? Also, is it just $20/year or forever?


  3. Hello John, I signed up for a paid account and was going thru the site a few weeks back, after that have not logged in to the site, now when I log in it tells me my membership is a “free” level and I cannot access to the paid areas.


  4. Hi,
    Thanks for this amazing website!
    I intend to purchase the study guide.
    Could you please advise in which areas the paid guide is lacking as you have mentioned
    it is incomplete.

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