UI: Scenario 2 Solution

[ScenarioSolutionIntro ]

[sc:ScenarioSolution ]




  1. Create a custom link to the Google Finance page using the data within the TickerSymbol.
  2. Add the custom link to the account page layout.

[box type=”note” style=”rounded” border=”full”]You could use a custom formula field (with the HYPERLINK function; this will be discussed later in the guide) to deliver a solution that would place the Google Finance link immediately below the TickerSymbol field.  This would count against the maximum number of custom fields you can add to an object, however.  Custom Links can only be added to the custom link section.[/box]

[sc:ScenarioSolutionSteps ]

  1. Setup –> Customize –> Accounts –> Buttons and Links.  Click New (under Custom Buttons and Links).  Enter label “Google Finance”, and enter “http://www.google.com/finance?q={!Account.TickerSymbol}” in the formula window.  Make sure “Display in New Window” is selected under Behavior (otherwise the page will load as a blank white page).  Click Save.
  2. Setup –> Customize –> Accounts –> Page Layouts.  Click Edit Next to the Account Layout (or whichever is appropriate in your org).  Click Custom Links and drag the Google Finance link to the Custom Links Section (shown below).  Click Save.


43 thoughts on “UI: Scenario 2 Solution”

  1. I spent 10 minutes trying to figure out where exactly the yahoo link is configured and couldn’t find anything. It’s clearly on the system level and it’s the type of a link that you can’t edit. So clearly, creating a new link is the only option. The way the scenario is worded – it might get confusing a little.

  2. Its clear and easy to add a custom links related list. However, how about changing the default behavior on the TickerSymbol in the Accounts Detail page component? ie change the URL that one is routed to when you click the VALUE. ie if it is CSCO, the hyperlink on the data value CSCO will bring you to Yahoo finance – change this behaviour to go to google. ??? I can’t see how this is done. thanks.

      1. Hi John

        Yeap – create a custom field of type formula returning Text and use:

        HYPERLINK(“https://www.google.com/finance?q=”& TickerSymbol , TickerSymbol )

  3. I got the custom link to work http://www.google.com/finance to work when I added the Field for the ticker symbol “http://www.google.com/finance?q={!Account.TickerSymbol}” “I got a Page not found 404 error from google. So I am guessing that something has changed on the Google end of things. As the Google Finance Page does not have direct spot to look up a stock any more ?? not sure what it was like when this section was written.

  4. John,

    in the scenario you intend to make this visible to a select set of finance users. In that case do you suggest creating a new layout similar to Account (Finance) Layout and include this google finance link in that layout – and subsequently assign that layout to the Finance role ?


  5. Hi John

    When the select Behavior of link either ” Display in Existing window with sidebar” or ” Display in Existing Window without Sidebar” and click on Google Finance Link from Accounts, the page is showing blank but the link displays google finance page for behaviors ” Display in New Window” or ” Display in Existing window without sidebar or header”.

    Can you please help me understand why is that happening ?


  6. I find that if I’m looking for something on a page the quickest way to find something quickly is to press CTRL F and type in a word (or part of a word I’m looking for), because otherwise as everyone mentions you can spend a while looking for fields eg the custom links section.

  7. I got it, By going to the field accessability page I learned the ticker was hidden to the system administratorand by clicking on the field I could change it – I never say that field accessabilty page before.

  8. I have the ticker showing in the accounts page layout but it doesn’t show up on any of the accounts where it should – my google finance link is woring but your instruction to link “using the data within the TickerSymbol” go tme looking and I don’t know why that isn’t apparent on any accounts but is on the layout.

    1. After you hit edit page, at the top, click on Custom Links, just below fields and buttons. Note that this is where you drag the Google finance field. Normally custom links doesn’t have a header unless you add it, so it’s probably at the bottom.

    1. Navigate to the following

      1. Setup –> Customize –> Accounts –> Page Layouts. Click Edit Next to the Account Layout (or whichever is appropriate in your org).
      2. On the page, locate the ‘Custom Links’, place your cursor on the ‘Custom Links …….), and click on the ‘Spanner icon’ on the right hand side.
      3. Click on the check box on the Detail Page field and then click on ‘OK’ button.
      4. Go to the account detail page and you should see the section ‘Custom Link’

  9. I am having the exact same issue as Cindy and Rujuta. I even went in and created a new custom link and tried to add that one. Although it is showing that I have three custom links (billing, google finance, and the one that I made up), only one appears on the actual account page (billing).

  10. I’m having similar issue Rujuta described – tested using your formula above, but click on Ticker Symbol & it goes to Yahoo Finance, not google. Any other suggestions?

  11. I am not able to navigate to Google finance page , on click of TickerSymbol link on one of the account record it is still navigating to yahoo finance page even after making the changes as mentioned above. Could you please help .Let me know if I have missed out anything.Thanks.

    1. Hi Rujuta – I’d suggest double checking the custom link formula and page layout settings. Were you able to figure out what the issue was? If the link points to google, then I can’t think of any reason it would go to yahoo…

  12. You can also move the whole Custom Links section higher up in the page. Whether it’s a good idea depends on what other links are in there.

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