Buttons & Links

Why create a custom button or link?

Custom buttons and links can be used to add new functionality to your pages.

[sc:link id=https://help.salesforce.com/apex/HTViewHelpDoc?id=customize_enterprise.htm&language=en_US text=”Understanding Custom Buttons and Links”]
[Should / Short / Salesforce.com]

Examples of buttons and links:

[sc:link id=https://help.salesforce.com/HTViewHelpDoc?id=links_useful_custom_buttons.htm&language=en_US text=”Useful Custom Buttons and Links”]
[Should / Short / Salesforce.com]

[sc:link id=http://www.shellblack.com/salesforce/administration/custom-report-links/ text=”Creating a Custom Report Link”]
[Should / Medium / shellblack.com]

What types of buttons and links are available?

There are 3 different types:

  1. Detail Page Link
    Login to Salesforce to View
  2. Detail Page Button
    Login to Salesforce to View
  3. List Button
    Login to Salesforce to View
    Login to Salesforce to View

Detail Page Links and Detail Page Buttons perform the same function, except that standard Detail Page Buttons can be overridden.  Buttons are generally used for more  commonly used functionality (e.g. Edit), while custom links are generally used for less prominent functions (such as performing a web search with account information).

While detail buttons and links will reference data from a single record, list buttons can perform actions on multiple records at once.  One thing to note is that list buttons are defined on the target object.  For instance, if you want to add a list button to the account page layout to merge contacts, the merge contacts button would be defined on the contact object, even though the button is added on the account page layout.

12 thoughts on “Buttons & Links”

  1. Hi Everyone,

    I tried to create a custom link to view a dashboard that shows data for a custom object named ‘Festival’. I wanted to configure the link in a way that Salesforce filters the dashboard dynamically on the basis of the Record ID of the Festival object a user is viewing. I tried to follow the ShellBlack tutorial for creating custom links for viewing automatically-filtered reports except that I did the same thing for dashboards instead of reports, but the automatic filtration is not functioning with dashboards – the custom link would take me to the unfiltered dashboard, although I did specify Record ID as a filter criterion (see below). Could anyone offer input on what I may have done wrong?

    /01Z36000000OBoe/e?retURL=%2Fdash%2FdashboardServlet.apexp?pv0={!Festival__c.Id} => This is the URL I typed into the formula filed for the custom link.

    ?pv0={!Festival__c.Id} => This is what I used as a filter criterion.

    https://na30.salesforce.com/01Z36000000OBoe/e?retURL=%2Fdash%2FdashboardServlet.apexp =>This is the link to the existing target dashboard; the dashboard currently has one filter option specified and the filter option is: Festival ID equals ‘blank’.


  2. Hi John ,

    I just have a suggestion .It would be better if this link ” Useful Custom Buttons and Links
    [Should / Short / Salesforce.com] ” would actually take you to “https://help.salesforce.com/apex/HTViewHelpDoc?id=customize_enterprise.htm&language=en_US ” instead of the current one ! .

    Great job on putting this together overall .

    Thanks !

  3. Looks like your site is being hit by spam comments 🙁
    This happening more and more to blog based sites (we had a rash of it in zendesk last month).

    Hope you can find a way to block these insidious users.

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