Security: Scenario 2


[sc:Scenario ]

The VP of sales previously requested that the inside sales team cannot export reports.

However, one user, James Smith, will need the capability.

James will need to combine weekly sales data from an external system with the data in Salesforce using Excel, which will require exporting the data from Salesforce.  This manual process will eventually be replaced in the next phase of the Salesforce implementation, but will be needed for the next 6-8 weeks.  During this period, only James Smith will perform this operation.

50 other users currently share the same profile as James (this will not be reflected in your org).

[sc:ScenarioSuccessCriteria ]

  1. Login as James Smith.  Run any report.  The Export Details button is present.
  2. The profile that James Smith was assigned at the start of the exercise does not have the export reports privilege.

[button link=””]Scenario Solution[/button]

14 thoughts on “Security: Scenario 2”

  1. Hi John,

    For Scenario 2, the following are the steps that I took
    1. Administration > Manage User > User > Permission Set
    > Select “New”
    > Label ” Export Reports”
    2. I am not able to enable “Export Report” option since I am not able to see the permission set detail page instead I see “Permission set Overview” page.

    1. Hi John,

      Should I enable an option in the “user Interface” section in order to see the “permission set detail” page. If yes, which option should I enable.


  2. I used permission set. This enabled James Smith to Export Reports but did not allow anyone else, with the Inside Sales Profile, to Export Report.

    The Permission Set -> System Permissions -> Export Report [checked]. Then I assigned the permission set to James Smith.

    So, now, when I log in as James Smith and Run report, I see Export Button. But, when I log in as a person with Inside Sales Rep Profile (no permission set) then I do not see Export Button.

    Thanks for such exercises. Some of them are nerve wrecking but a great learning tool!

  3. I am not sure why but even after I unchecked the export reports check box on the cloned profile; James still is able to export reports. The button is still there.

    1. Hi Ann,

      I know there’s a box within the profile has a lot of options for reports under permissions. I myself have to go through them all and learn what they do. Hope you have a bettter method to learn all the options:) Good luck

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