Record Types: Quiz





[WpProQuiz 16]


52 thoughts on “Record Types: Quiz”

  1. Hi John, for Q2, Record Types sound like overkill since it is mentioned that lead have minimal fields exposed and i thought guideline is to implement such cases with dependent fields. Have Product Category(Software,Hardware) controlling values in other two picklist. I can imagine though that it increases a click. But unless users set default record type in their personal setting, then need to select record type which also is an additional click. It also involves additional maintenance on admin’s part. Both ways can achieve same requirement but controlling field sounds like better fit in this case.


  2. Hi John,

    In accordance to the last question. I having the system adminstrator profile would like to set Serviec Sales record type as the default record type in my personal settings, now Product Sales being the default.
    But,in the settings pg there is only one check box available
    []Oppurtunity Product Sales (default), Service Sales
    *How can I make service sales as default record type?
    *And why are both type of record types are beside each other without being in two different rows allowing us to select one?

    1. The admin can change the default record type for a profile in the profile settings.

      The user can choose to automatically select the default record type (not which record type… just to automatically select whatever the admin has configured as default) in their personal settings.

  3. Hi John, 2 quick questions …
    Q#2, wouldn’t it be clearer if it stated “and Salesforce is heavily populated with OPEN lead records.”? I did not select option 3 thinking they might be closed already.

    Q#4, so …
    – org-wide default for Account = Public Read Only
    – “B2B Sales Rep” profile = “Business Account” record type only
    – “B2C Sales Rep” profile = “Consumer Account” record type only
    How would they see each others’ record type if they are not assigned? Don’t Profiles restrict permissions over OWDs?

  4. For Q#4, let’s say we had different pick list values for ‘Industry’ pick list. How would this scenario work? What each user would see for ‘Industry’, in the record of type that they are not associated with?

    1. You’d get the record type selection available based on the record type. The record type drives the selection of the picklist values and page layout. The profile determines which record types a user can create, but not which ones they can edit (that’s determined through record-level security)

  5. Hi John.
    For Q5, isn’t the 2nd option (her profile is configured to select default record type” also correct? Maybe you can make this area as Rich Text so we could add screenshots from our understanding 🙂

    I could see in the profile config that there is a possibility to make some record types as default. What is that then? Does it mean defaulting one value on the selection screen of record creation, and not actually defaulting the type for new record?

    1. Configuring the default record type on the profile would not bypass record type selection (it would only pre-select the record type)- this would only be the case if one record type was assigned to the profile.

  6. Hi John,
    For Q#2, I did not understand as to why the third option must be checked? The word “Either” in that sentence is confusing me. Can you explain as to why only “Either” hardware or software and not “Both” hardware or software?


  7. Not seeing the answer to the last one, everything I looked up was saying profile…

    Her profile is configured to automatically select the default record type.
    Her role is configured to automatically select the default record type.
    She has configured her personal record type selection to automatically select her profile’s default record type for opportunity.
    The Create New… menu does not automatically select a default record type.

    If multiple record types are enabled for a profile, the user can set their personal record type selection to bypass record type selection by choosing the default record type.

    However, this setting is select by the user, not set on the role or profile.

  8. Hello John,
    For Question 2, is it not ok to create 4 different picklists (2 Product Family picklists: one for each team,2 Current Pain picklists: one for each team), for Hardware and Software teams and add the corresponding picklist to the teams’ page layouts, so that they see only those picklist values that are applicable to their team??

    Is creating a record type the only way out for this scenario?


  9. Hi, i am confused as to why this answer for question # 5 is not correct: ‘Her profile is configured to automatically select the default record type.’ is not correct.

    I have selected multiple records types to a profile, and selected a default record type so that the user is not prompted every time they are creating the opportunity. This also provides the user with the the flexibility to change it via the ‘change’ link on the record type field. What am i missing? thanks.

    1. You can set the default in the profile, but it doesn’t bypass record type selection – it just sets the default. The user will still get presented with the selection screen if they have more than one record type assigned, unless they have that override completed (which is configured on a per user basis, not at the profile).

  10. In question 3, I believe the word “either” is misleading unless you do mean the administrator must choose one or the other, which makes it implausible. Might it be better to say “update the existing lead records to corresponding hardware and software sales record type.”

    1. This statement? “The administrator should consider updating the existing lead records to either the hardware sales or software sales record type as part of the implementation strategy.”

      If the record type is updated, it must be a selection of one or the other (as it cannot be both) – why do you say that is implausible?

  11. For question 3, since record types are specific to a given object (in fact that’s how they’re stored in the RecordType object in Salesforce), shouldn’t Object be included as a correct response?

    1. I could see that argument – in an actual exam it would be limited to 2 answers.

      Record types are created on the object but assigned via the profile/permission set. The object doesn’t actually contain the assignment… semantics.

  12. In question #2 you said “As record types were not in place previously, the existing lead records should be updated to the correct record type.”

    What is the best way to update correct record type ( after we have gone thru the process of mapping existing lead records to correct record types)???
    Apex code OR App-exchange app OR manually OR something else

  13. Suggestion…change the “Select all that apply” statements to the number of solutions, to more closely fit the test. This site has, by far, the best quiz questions. They are formatted more like the test and do not have the blatant misspellings and errors that other sites have. Thanks for your hard work!

    1. Noted! The practice questions here are intentionally a bit open ended in that sense – the practice exams on the final practice exam do explicitly state a # of responses. Thanks for the feedback I will consider moving forward.

  14. For Q#5,

    Does this one also apply —> “Her profile is configured to automatically select the default record type.” ? When we create a new Record Type, we have the options to set record type as visible & DEFAULT for specific Profile types….

    1. The USER can manually opt to bypass record type selection – this is a setting that the user can change and is not controlled by the admin.

      The profile and permission set determine which record type(s) the user can select; the user can optionally automatically select the default record type.

      1. When I login as another user and go to My settings/Set Default Record Types,
        I see Opportunity checked and under “Available Record Types” I see 3 records Types: Product Sales, Retail(default) , Service Sales, but I can’t chose one since Retail (Was created prior to this exercise) is already default.
        How come? How to change it, so that the user can really chose their default if they have more than one record type?


          1. Ok. I think would be nice if they could chose their default based on the options available on their profile.
            Using your scenario of Product Sales and Services, a person A is assigned both record types and Product is default. A “Service Sales” person B goes on maternity leave and person A will temporarily handle only “Service Sales” until person B returns. Person A could pick “Service Sales” as default without having to ask the Admin for the change.
            Thoughts? Pros ? Cons?

    1. You’d need to create a permission set, then assign the record type to that permission set.

      Go to the user, and add the permission set to that user record – this would grant them access to the record type via the permission set.

      Does that make sense?

  15. For question 3 I think you need to update the question to include “(Click All the Apply)”, as written I just assumed it was one answer only. Side note – I am really enjoying this study guide. Thank you for putting this together.

  16. Also, regarding software and hardware sales people having different profiles: not necessarily, right, since the two record types could be assigned to them via 2 permission sets? It’s a worse solution I guess, since every time a sales rep is added, the admin has to remember to assign this set. On the other hand, whenever permissions are changed, it has to be done for software + hardware profiles; still, this should be more rare than new sales folks joining the company. Logical?

    1. You’re spot on – typically you would use profiles, as in most cases this would be less overhead than using permission sets. I’ll update the wording on this question (was written pre-permission set support).

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