Users: Scenario 1 Solution


[sc:ScenarioSolution ]

There are two ways that you can solve this scenario:

  1. You can grant login access to the administrator to all users.  This setting may be enabled by default in newer orgs.
    • Navigate to Setup –> Security Controls –> Login Access Policies.
    • Check ‘Enabled’ next to ‘Administrators Can Login as Any User’.
    • Click Save.
  2. You can have James Smith grant access to the system administrator.
    • Login to Salesforce (using the email generated from the previous exercise) as James Smith.
    • Setup –> My Personal Information –> Grant Login Access –> Your Company’s Administrator: One Year –> Save.
    • Click Your Name –> Logout

Once you have login access granted (either to all users, or the specific user), the administrator will then have the ability to login as that user from their account (without sharing credentials).

Note: Ensure that “Force relogin after Login-As-User” is unchecked under Setup –> Security Controls –> Session Settings (without this change you will be logged out completely after you logout as James Smith below).  These instructions assume that “Enable Improved Setup User Interface” is disabled (Setup –> Customize –> User Interface).  If you have this setting turned on, navigating the setup menu will have different menu selections.

[sc:ScenarioSolutionSteps ]

[As System Administrator]

Now, as the system administrator you can login as James without using his username/password.

  1. Login to Salesforce (using your administrator credentials).
  2. Setup –> Manage Users –> Users –> Click Login next to James Smith.  This will show a black bar in the top right of the screen that shows you are now logged in as another user.  All actions that you take while logged in as James will appear as if James performed them (just as if you had logged in using his username and password).  Likewise any reports or any other functionality that you access will be done in accordance with James Smith’s security settings.
  3. Click Create New –> Lead.  Enter lead information, save the record.  Verify lead creator is James Smith.
  4. Logout.  You should be returned to James Smith’s user record – you are now returned to your session as the system administrator.

75 thoughts on “Users: Scenario 1 Solution”

  1. hello,
    When i log in as james smith it opens up new window of org and remains open after i log out as james smith …. why it does not take me back to my original page??

    1. You probably need this setting:

      Note: Ensure that “Force relogin after Login-As-User” is unchecked under Setup –> Security Controls –> Session Settings (without this change you will be logged out completely after you logout as James Smith below). These instructions assume that “Enable Improved Setup User Interface” is disabled (Setup –> Customize –> User Interface). If you have this setting turned on, navigating the setup menu will have different menu selections.

    1. That’s the first method to solve?

      You can grant login access to the administrator to all users. This setting may be enabled by default in newer orgs.
      Navigate to Setup –> Security Controls –> Login Access Policies.
      Check ‘Enabled’ next to ‘Administrators Can Login as Any User’.
      Click Save.

  2. Hi john,
    Im sorry i m not able to understand your point when you are explain a note after showing 2 ways to get login access for admin for other user…
    My confusion is at this line …what do you want to say by saying this line?
    “These instructions assume that “Enable Improved Setup User Interface” is disabled (Setup –> Customize –> User Interface). If you have this setting turned on, navigating the setup menu will have different menu selections.”
    in Note: section.
    Thank you.

  3. I am not sure if I am jumping ahead here..
    I downloaded Salesforce app on my android phone and logged in as Admin.
    As per this lesson, I logged in as James Smith and created a lead.
    Now, when I go back to my Salesforce app on my phone and when I try to see the lead, it’s all blank and won’t show the lead created by James Smith.
    Is this a hard restriction to see the leads created by James unless I enable queues or something? If yes, can you please let me know how to make this work?


    1. The admin (your primary login) will be able to see all leads. The app is probably just showing recently viewed leads, which would be different based on who is logged in (James’ most recently viewed lead being the one he created).

  4. John,
    I went to create a new lead logged in as James and this is the error message I got when I saved. I do have Cloud Swarm installed.

    Error: Invalid Data.
    Review all error messages below to correct your data.
    Apex trigger leadSwarm caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: leadSwarm: execution of AfterInsert caused by: line 39, column 54: trigger body is invalid and failed recompilation: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation: swarmhelper: line 50, column 54: sObject type ‘EntitySubscription’ is not supported.

  5. I am facing the same issue,

    Setup –> My Personal Information –> Grant Login Access –> Your Company’s Administrator” .
    “Your Company’s Administrator ” is not visible to me.
    Only support option is visible.

    Also i don’t see the following: The administrator can turn on the setting “Administrators Can Log in as Any User”, which would then bypass the need for individual users to grant login access. Navigate to Setup –> Security Controls –> Login Access Policies to enable.

    can someone help? i have admin access to my org and i have setup a sample standard user with salesforce license.


  6. If I am logged in as james and in “Setup –> My Personal Information –> Grant Login Access –> Your Company’s Administrator” .
    “Your Company’s Administrator ” is not visible to me.
    Only support option is visible.
    Is this because I have done some setting changes in Adminstrator?

    1. John,
      I cross checked the “enhanced user interface setting” reading above comments.
      Can you please tell how the licence are visible in user licence drop down list? Somehow salesforce licence option is not visible for me. I guess because of this only I am facing the issue.

    2. I had this same issue, – this happens if / after you enabled in – step 1
      Step 1. You can grant login access to the administrator to all users. This setting may be enabled by default in newer orgs.
      Navigate to Setup –> Security Controls –> Login Access Policies.
      Check ‘Enabled’ next to ‘Administrators Can Login as Any User’.
      Click Save
      then the administrator will show up as an option – ( it did for me)


  7. Hi John!

    You might want to update the solution due to the latest release: Admins can now enable the feature: “Administrators Can Log in as Any User”.

    It is located in Security Controls > Login Access Policies

  8. In real world scenario, I guess the first option of admin login with user password is not possible right ? Is there a way when the admin creates a new user he can grant admin access to himself (instead of user going to settings and enabling that checkbox). I understand for security reason, it make sense that user only should grant access to other. But for admin, I am wondering whether he can do it himself?

  9. Hi JohnCoppedge : Please Menition In the second paragraph starting with “NOTE: ” that the instructions are to be carried out in Sysytem admin account. As, these feature are not available in the account created by the name of James.. If something else is wrong then please help know how to bring that feature in the account created by the name of “James”

  10. Hi John
    I have a question,
    I logged in as James and when I logged out to return to my own profile, it logged me out of Salesforce instead of taking me back to my personal SF page
    Is there an option to enable to prevent this from happening ?


    1. Yep

      Note: Ensure that “Force relogin after Login-As-User” is unchecked under Setup –> Security Controls –> Session Settings (without this change you will be logged out completely after you logout as James Smith below).

  11. Hi John, for some reason when I try to grant login access in only make the login button next to my name available and not to my fake user James. Am I missing something?

    1. Added this note above: Ensure that “Force relogin after Login-As-User” is unchecked under Setup –> Security Controls –> Session Settings (without this change you will be logged out completely after you logout as James Smith below).

  12. Hi John,

    I’m having the same issue using a trial account that another user had. I created James with the Salesforce User License as requested with a Standard User Profile. When I go to grant access I can only grant it to support. I have created a new user before with the actual system and tested things as a user so I know how to do this but otherwise this would have been frustrating. BTW – Overall great site so far.

  13. Hi John,

    Looks like the ‘Enable Improved Setup User Interface’ is already checked. Why is it? would that be an org setting?

    But it does make the site easier to see. What is the normal way?

  14. Hello,

    When trying to create new lead, I do not have the option to do so. When I click Create New it gives me the following options:


    Am I doing something wrong? I do see the black bar that says “Logged in as James Smith”.


    1. Look at what app you have selected – if you do not have the leads tab displayed, then create lead will not appear in the quick create menu. Try selecting the sales app – or go the leads tab from the all tabs menu (the plus mark at the end of the list of tabs) and select the leads tab.

  15. Hi John – I managed to Log in as James & create the lead no problem without going through the stage where as James I grant myself login access. However, I decided to go through the motions of granting access, only to find “James” faced with an “insufficient privileges” error message.

    He is set up as a standard user – should I just leave it as is, or is there a setting I should tweak now which I may need for future exercises?


    1. Standard should be fine for this exercise – where are you getting the error? If you were able to login as James and create the lead, then it is not a profile issue.

      If the error came when attempting to login as James (from the administrator login), then that is a different permissions issues (I would double check that grant login access has been set up correctly from James’ account).

  16. I don’t see the lead option. When I click the + at the top, I have the option for Accounts, chatter, contacts, dashboards, documents, files, groups, home, ideas, people, profile, profile feed, profile overview, reports &… but no leads. What am I doing wrong?

        1. Apologies on the delayed reply. In order to ensure that your user has access to the tab, check the profile. The profile will need to grant access to read/create the lead object, and will cannot have the lead tab set to “hidden”.

    1. You should get a dialog box that says Logged in as: James Smith in the top right- when that box is present, logging out should return you to your admin login session (unless there is some other changed setting that I am not familiar with).

    2. I got same issue and was able to fix it by UN checking/selecting the
      Force relogin after Login-As-User
      under Session Settings

      >>Setup>>Security Control>> Session Settings
      Lock sessions to the IP address from which they originated
      Require secure connections (HTTPS)
      following Force relogin after Login-As-User – —-> do NOT check this
      Require HttpOnly attribute
      Use POST requests for cross-domain sessions

  17. I didn’t find anything earlier that told me to uncheck the enhanced user interface. This resulted in about an hour of lost time, futzing around looking for this stuff that was supposed to be done in this scenario. This needs to be made really clear up front. I finally found it looking at some of the comments. You really need to fix this issue. It’s very frustrating and time consuming.

  18. Hi Shauntel,

    At the end of all tabs bar in your application, you can see a little ‘+ ‘ sign. click on it, you will be able to see all hidden tabs and will also find, ‘leads’ tab in there.

  19. Im not sure why, but when I log in as James Smith, the only tabs available are Home, Chatter, Accounts, Contacts, Reports and Dashboards. Even when I go to “create new” lead is not an available option. Would you happen to know why?

    1. Hi Shauntel,

      At the end of all tabs bar in your application, you can see a little ‘+ ‘ sign. click on it, you will be able to see all hidden tabs and will also find, ‘leads’ tab in there.

  20. hi,

    when I log in as James, and attempt to grant login access – System Administrator is not an option, only salesforce support.


    1. I had this same issue when I was practicing step 2 – this happens if / after you enabled – step 1
      1. You can grant login access to the administrator to all users. This setting may be enabled by default in newer orgs.
      Navigate to Setup –> Security Controls –> Login Access Policies.
      Check ‘Enabled’ next to ‘Administrators Can Login as Any User’.
      Click Save
      then the administrator will show up as an option – ( it did for me)


  21. John,

    Do you recommend we keep enhanced user interface disabled? If this would make it easier to follow along with your directions for the remainder of the training I would like to do so. If you believe it is a good idea could you post how to achieve this? Thank you for your assistance.

    1. Hi Cooper,

      Yes I do recommend disabling the enhanced user interface; this is now reflected in getting started:

      Instructions within this guide make the assumption that the Improved Setup User Interface is disabled.

      I suggest you double-check your org settings by navigating to Setup –> Customize –> User Interface; ensure “Enable Improved Setup User Interface” is not checked.

      If you enable this feature, step-by-step instructions within scenarios and exercises will not line up correctly (as the setup navigation menus will be different).

  22. Here are steps
    Click John at the top right of the page
    John>my setting>personal (left side of the page)>Grant Account Login access>Click Login next to James Smith.

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