Security: Scenario 4


[sc:Scenario ]

The marketing team would like a queue to store leads that must be reviewed and then manually assigned.  Only the marketing team should be able to view or edit leads within the queue.

[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]You may want to edit your test user several times to test this scenario.[/box]

Once you have completed the configuration to meet the goals outlined by the scenario, you will want to test the results.  To do this, edit your test user, and change the role and profile to a marketing user.  Then login and test as that user.  Once complete, logout.

Then, edit the test user again, changing the role and profile to a sales user.  Then test as that user.  Logout once complete.

[sc:ScenarioSuccessCriteria ]

  1. [Test as profile “Marketing User” and any marketing role]
    Marketing users can reassign leads from the marketing queue to other users.
  2. [Test as profile “Inside Sales” (or “Standard User”) and any sales role]
    Users outside of the marketing role hierarchy cannot view leads within the marketing queue.

[button link=””]Scenario Solution[/button]

12 thoughts on “Security: Scenario 4”

  1. I’ve seemed to have done it correctly and I understand the concepts, but after the user creates the lead he has to manually change the ownership to the queue. It seems that an approval process could also be added (beyond the scope of this section) with only VP Marketing or above with the ability to assign the lead.

    The scenario seems a bit simplistic but I suppose it’s a good exercise for the concepts outlined.

  2. Security Scenario # 4 was a curve ball.

    I just did not understand that in order to do the exercise, I had to take into account the object/record permissions on Lead. I kept on going through the motions of creating a queue, assigning it to a test user, and assigning different profile/role combination to the test user as suggested in the Scenario. Despite all this, everyone in the organization could accept/see the Leads in the Queue 🙁

    After an hour’s struggle, ended up looking at the solution; now, going back to it and trying to walk step-by-step to absorb the concept.

    I think this is a great exercise; however, exposure to the material, specific to the scenario, is missing 🙁

      1. Actually, it was a great cryptic (test question – 20/20 hindsight :).

        Your following chart is very clear and to the point (great/amazing etc.)

        Create Record View Record Edit Record Delete Record
        Object-Level Permission Create Read Edit Delete
        Record-Level Permission N/A Read Only Read/Write Full Access

        It is just that connecting the dots is harder when one is trying to grasp so many concepts (and have a sword of ADM201 Certification on one’s head 😉

        Really great site… I would have liked more practice questions! I recommend your site at every opportunity I get!! Thank you for such a valuable service!

        1. Awesome glad you are enjoying it and spreading the word! Yes that is the hardest part about 201- you need to get a pretty expansive base of knowledge before you can you can understand how it all fits together.

  3. it would be great if we could find this information here related to the topic instead of gathering data from different topics..thanks

  4. Working through this material, in order… there has been no mention of queues yet (that I recall seeing). Perhaps a post on how to construct queues, and their function, would be appropriate before one is presented this security scenario.

    1. I also vote to add something about Queues ahead of this exercise. I didn’t really “get it” because I don’t understand what the queues are.

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