Campaign Influence

What is campaign influence?

Campaign influence allows you to associate one opportunity to multiple campaigns:


  1. An opportunity can have only one primary campaign.
  2. Only the primary campaign influences campaign rollup summary fields on the related campaign.

[toggle title_open=”Close Example” title_closed=”Open Example” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Viewing the Primary Campaign:  Num of Total Opportunities summary field includes the opportunity:


Viewing a Non-Primary Campaign:  Num of Total Opportunities summary field excludes the opportunity:


In short, campaign influence will allow you to display and report on an opportunity’s relationship with multiple campaigns, but the opportunity is only attributed to a single campaign for rollup summary and ROI calculations.

How can I use campaign influence in my organization?

Simply add the campaign influence related list to the appropriate opportunity page layout(s).

What is automatic campaign association?

When a contact role is added to an opportunity, automatic campaign association will add that contact’s campaigns to the campaign influence related list on the opportunity.

[sc:link id= text=”Campaign Influence Demo”]
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In order for automatic campaign influence to work, the following must be true:

  1. Required: Campaign influence must be enabled (Step 1 in the screenshot below).
  2. Optional: The contact role must be added within the campaign influence time frame (Step 2 in the screenshot below).  As shown, no restriction is applied.
  3. Optional: The campaign must meet the criteria specified in campaign association rules (Step 3 in the screenshot below).  As shown, no restriction is applied.
  4. Required: The contact role must be added prior to the opportunity close date.

To configure automatic campaign influence, navigate to Setup –> Customize –> Campaigns –> Campaign Influence:


21 thoughts on “Campaign Influence”

      1. Hi John, sorry for not being clear. My problem is that i don’t see the list in related lists available to be added when I edit page layout for opportunity.

          1. Ah- when you turn on automatic campaign influence this is determined automatically (hence the related list is not visible).

            Turning this off means that this selection is manual, and you can add the related list

  1. Hi John,

    What could be the answer for the question given below:

    Which of the following is true about Campaign Influence
    A) Allows the calculation of Campaign Statistics from Associated Opportunities
    B) Allows the viewing of the complete Campaign Hierarchy
    C) Allows viewing of campaign statistics on Opportunities Related List
    D) Allows user to report on the Campaigns that influences an opportunity

  2. I was struggling with the concept of first associated date as I assumed that a campaign’s launch date would be more influential to a campaign’s outcome than when a contact first joined the campaign.

  3. Hi John,

    “Campaign Influence Demo” opens a blank page. Is it my problem or is it the same for everyone?

    Can you please let me know.


  4. If I have an opportunity and I add a campaign as having influence on the opportunity I can see this in the Campaign Influence related list but I cannot see any reference to the opportunity on the campaign record. Is there anyway to make opportunities that were influenced by the campaign visible on the campaign record?


    1. That’s a great question – I don’t think you can do that with standard config. You would probably need a VisualForce component to pull in that list. An alternative method would be to create a button that linked to a report to pull that data.

      1. I think it’s now possible to view it within the campaign record, right? There is a related list within Campaigns for Opportunities ( as long as it’s the primary campaign source)

  5. “Campaign Influence Demo” cuts out about half way through.

    RE: December 5, 2014 at 4:45 am reply above: minor grammar (see underscores):


    Let’s say a contact is created 1/1/2014, and associated to a marketing campaign 2/1/2014.

    Campaign influence is limited to 90 days.

    On 3/1/2014 the contact is added as a contact role [ add _to_] an opportunity – the marketing campaign is associated to the opportunity (as campaign influence is within the specified time frame).

    One [should read _On_] 5/1/2014 the contact is added as a contact role to a second opportunity – the marketing campaign is not associated as it is not within the time frame for campaign influence.

    1. Let’s say a contact is created 1/1/2014, and associated to a marketing campaign 2/1/2014.

      Campaign influence is limited to 90 days.

      On 3/1/2014 the contact is added as a contact role an opportunity – the marketing campaign is associated to the opportunity (as campaign influence is within the specified time frame).

      One 5/1/2014 the contact is added as a contact role to a second opportunity – the marketing campaign is not associated as it is not within the time frame for campaign influence.

  6. Grammar nit warning!

    “When a contact role is added to an opportunity, automatic campaign associated”

    should read

    “When a contact role is added to an opportunity, automatic campaign association”

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