Data Model – Free


[table id=8 /]


32 thoughts on “Data Model – Free”

  1. Hey John,

    What should I be trying to take away from the ERD’s you noted in the Data Model? Detailed knowledge of the setup or a general understanding of the entity relationships? Something else? Let me know. Thanks.


    1. Hi Lynn,

      The most important thing is that you understand the fundamental object relationships (e.g. many to one, many to many) , how they are constructed, as well as the standard object relationships (e.g. an account can have many opportunities). This section is designed to help facilitate that understanding.

      Hope that helps!


  2. Hi john,
    Curious about look up and Master – Detail relation ships .
    I don’t see much info in here,
    But i m ok with that,
    Just have question that does the lookup also do cascade delete like Master Detail relation ships.?
    as i saw this following note when i was confuse , so i really want to know if look up also behave same as Master Detail when it’s record Deletion time.?

    Thank you.

      1. Interesting – this article implies that you can enable cascade deletion in lookup relationships through a feature request (raise a case to salesforce). So it is possible, but definitely not the default behavior.

  3. Hi john,
    When it’s many to many relation ship between 2 objects using one junction object…
    So to establish relation ship …should always created at parent to child?
    or either way it’s possible..?
    As obj_A and Obj_C have many to many
    Obj_J is junction object…

    Which is the correct one :
    1) Obj_J to Obj _A and Obj_J to Obj_B ?
    2) Obj_A to Obj_J and Obj_B to Obj_J ?

    Thank you .

  4. Hi john,
    I want to know that if i have many to many relation ship created useing 3 custom objects and
    Obj A ,ObjB , Objc
    B is the junction object.
    (off course its detail or child side object.)

    So is there any rule or assumption that we do not have to show tab for junction object. i.e. obje B in my case?

    Thak you

  5. Hi John,
    Not sure how this will be reflected in the certification exam. Will it be like one of your quiz questions?
    How will the exam questions be like related to the SF data model ?

    1. This sections is more designed to give you a better understanding of how data models work – it will help you in understanding the relationship between multiple objects. The exam questions are more likely to be based around creating a many to many relationship or creating rollup summary fields.

  6. The Salesforce Model Piece is not only looooooooooooooooong but it is difficult to fathom; I know it is an important concept. But, when you say it is a MUST read, I don’t know how that is possible. I checked out few of them and I could not understand a thing.

    1. I would review the data model video again – it is important to understand how to read a data model first and then to spend a bit of time to understand the basics in Salesforce. You don’t need to be an expert here by any stretch though.

  7. Hi John,

    The Salesforce link to the Salesforce Data Model is incorrect I believe. We are getting re-directed to Introduction of SOAP API when we click on it.

    1. There seems to be two different ways in how many to many relationships are shown in this video. I’m trying to figure out if it is intentional, or an error. At 10:53 minutes, ith shows the “many” side of the relationship pointed toward the join objects from the two entities being joined. This makes sense to me because the join fields can show up on the join table multiple times. However, when they show this same situation again, at 11:33 minutes, they have a join object and the join connecting the assignment entity (join object) with the project entity seems backwards. In the quiz later, it shows the same thing.

      I’m hoping it’s incorrect, and if not, then I’m not sure what the “many” is indicating “many” of… It seems to contradict the other ERDs I’ve been trying to understand. Thanks for any clarification!

      1. Hi Sherry,

        I think you’re correct, that may very well be a mistake in the ERD @ 11:33. The way it is displayed reads to me as:

        One employee can have many assignments. One assignment can have many projects.

        I would think it would it would be: One employee can have many assignments. One project can have many assignments (reversing the notation between project and assignment).



    1. Hi Simeon,

      I am not having any problems loading it on my browser – two things you can try:
      1. another browser (e.g. Chrome)
      2. right click on the image for the video and open in a new tab/window

      Let me know if the issue still persists… thanks!


      1. Hi John,

        thanks for your response!

        Just watched the video successfully! Yesterday I tried to load it from the org I work for, I think firewall settings or something else could have caused the problem.


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