Configuring the Company Profile

[youtube id=”vDl0P3-9qrg”]

36 thoughts on “Configuring the Company Profile”

  1. hi there, none of the videos seems to be working – I’m getting an error message from the youtube video for the “Configuring the Company Profile” and “Workshop: Get Started on the Certified Administrator Credential” videos. Is there a better way to access? thanks!!

  2. Hey John, how exactly do you define different Holidays for separate teams? When added a holiday I didn’t see a specific area to define which team that holiday applies to. Thanks

  3. I noticed a few minor slide mistakes:
    – Fiscal Year: March was listed in Q2 (should be Q1) and April was listed in Q1 (should be Q2)
    – Business Hours: Listings for 12 PM (noon) should actually be 12 AM (midnight)

      1. I would have to guess that in this context they are asking about licensing for Salesforce itself rather than The video on this page shows licenses and talks about a hypothetical scenario where some new hires are coming on board but it doesn’t talk about how to purchase more licenses – or reduce licenses for that matter. Is that done here?

  4. Hi john this question is about standard fiscal year
    The start of standard fiscal year need to be the first month of the quarter or it can be any month means?

  5. Hi:
    FYI: I have the improved user interface enabled which has the My Domain setting in Domain Management under Administer. You’re covering My Domain settings under Company Profile, which does not include the My Domain option

  6. Question about business hours. If you have multiple sets of hours defined, I see that they can all be active but only one is the default. How does it work that all can be active at a time; meaning which one will SF look at when it is evaluating escalation and workflow rules, as well as login Windows for users?

    1. Login hours are defined on the profile and not related to business hours- biz hours are used for case escalations. The default business hours is assigned to new cases unless otherwise stipulated

  7. Hi john,
    Can u pls provide short video or little bit knowledge , where and how you need to do language translation,
    i saw some video yesterday in you tube, right now i m not able to fetch the same video.
    but if you can , can you pls explain what manner r u talking abt language conversion for Slaesforce.
    Thank you

    1. Standard fields are automatically translated for languages that support full translation. For picklist values and custom fields, use the translation workbench to translate values from one language to another. Enable multiple languages in company set up to get started.

  8. I Have created another time zone as Pacific time zone making 9-5 of Pacific time zone for the employees there, But i was not able to activate both? Am I doing the right thing?

  9. Could you explain a little more about what end user and platform licenses do? Are platform languages only available for users with the platform license?

    1. Platform license is essentially the same thing as a license – grants limited access to standard crm objects, but can be used to grant full access to custom applications. Platform licenses and platform languages are completely unrelated – language translation abilities are available regardless of the license type.

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