Field Usage & Field Types

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8 thoughts on “Field Usage & Field Types”

  1. TextArea (Long) and TextArea (Rich) – now have more max chars [ Not sure you have mentioned this later !].

    Text Area (Long) Allows users to enter up to 131,072 characters that display on separate lines similar to a Description field. You can set the length of this field type to a lower limit, if desired. Any length from 256 to 131,072 characters is allowed. The default is 32,768 characters.

    Text Area (Rich) With the use of a toolbar, users can format the field content and add images and hyperlinks. The toolbar allows the user to undo, redo, bold, italicize, underline, strike-out, add a hyperlink, upload or link to an image, modify alignment, add a numbered or non-numbered list, indent, and outdent. The maximum field size is 131,072 characters, inclusive of all the formatting and HTML tags.

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